• Find Your Mantra

    To find your mantra you can go to a peaceful place, sit in a comfortable position, and focus on a word or phrase that you find relaxing. Autogenic means something that comes from within you. During this type of relaxation, you repeat words or suggestions in your mind to help you relax and reduce the

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  • Relationships with Others

    Relationships are important for good emotional health. Numerous studies have shown that people who have close friends and intimate relationships are healthier, happier, and live longer. In fact, the simple act of petting a dog, holding a child, or seeing someone you love causes a decrease in stress hormones

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  • Soothing Sounds

    To rest your mind and take a visual journey to a peaceful place, consider listening to soothing sounds. If you have about ten minutes and a quiet room, you can take a mental vacation almost anytime with soothing sounds. Consider music such as relaxation CDs or internet radio stations to help you unwind.

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  • Balance

    Balance and coordination exist when the body is used for what it is designed for. Exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, bicycling, martial arts, and bodybuilding all help to improve muscle coordination. Activities such as working at a desk, reading, and watching television do the opposite

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  • Strength

    Strong muscles keep your body upright and allow you to move. Good muscle strength and balance are critical to maintain proper posture and minimize muscle tension. Your muscles function much like the wires that hold up a tall radio or television antenna. If the wires are equally strong on all sides, the

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  • A Back Saver Wallet

    Most men carry a wallet in their back pockets and in many cases it can be over a half an inch thick. Sitting on a half inch wedge for hours at a time over a period of years is one of the most overlooked causes of spinal misalignments and spinal pain including back pain, neck pain and even headaches.

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